Mini Loan

Mini Loan : pribadong institusyon na nagpapahiram ng maliit na halaga (1000-5000 pesos) sa loob ng mailkling panahon (30 days).

1st loan - 1000 pesos

2nd loan  - 1500 pesos

3rd loan - 2000 pesos

4rth loan - up to 5000 peso*

*client who maintain good paying records can avail this loan.

Marami ng natulungan ang "Mini Loan " bago pa ito naging available online.


"Mini Loan" provide the mini  financial needs of its target market. "Mini Loan" will be accessible and charge fair (5%) and competitive rates to its customers.



"Mini Loan" has a strong bias for quality, customer care, and social responsibility.

As a consumer of  "Mini Loan"   you are at the top of our minds. We give you the best service by satisfying your needs.



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